Just Be Yourself?

Sep 22, 2013    Bryan Laughlin

When God created the universe he didn't make a giant grey lump. He stretched out the heavens like a canvas, filling them with objects of various colors and shapes and sizes. He established the laws of nature and the order of the world. He created life where there was no life, giving his creatures the capacity to bring forth new generations as diverse as every life form on the planet. And he did all of this on purpose-diversity by design. God established differences in his creation so that all things might complemenet each other as they live in accordance with his wise plan.

But mankind's rebellion against God brought disorder into the world. Instead of diversity in harmony, we live in alienation and prejudice. Instead of finding beauty in our complementary natures, we push for sameness. Instead of right and wrong, we talk of customs and opinions. This has not led to greater freedom and happiness, but to confusion and despair. Only Jesus leads us to see the beauty of God's diverse creation and our place in it, so that he is glorified, we are satisfied, and the world is renewed.